Monday 12 May 2008

Another Horror Story...

It never fails to amaze me that, despite repeated reports of greyhound slaughter and greyhound abuse, owners and trainers continue to dispose of "unfit" greyhounds for research purposes and expect to get away with it. Daniel Foggo of UK newspaper The Times has uncovered yet another kennels that sells perfectly healthy greyhounds to a research facility for £30, and sometimes actually gives them away, to be dissected.

This time it is the University of Liverpool that is accepting the "gift". What was the problem with the greyhounds that were sold? They were too slow for the tracks and therefore could not make their owners money.

This greyhound abuse has got to stop! How many more perfectly healthy animals have to be put down for no apparent reason before something is done about it? You can find the full article here.

The breeder mentioned, Mr Pickering, gives away his greyhounds for slaughter when they are as young as one year old. Please read this article on greyhound abuse and pass on the link. The more people that are educated the better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I mention the same horror story in my blog, and I just have signed your petition. It's so horrible. This chap should be punished very very harshly.