Sunday 2 March 2008

BREAKING NEWS: The Slaughter Of Healthy Greyhounds

This post is for all of those of you out there that refuse to believe that healthy greyhounds are slaughtered every year for no apparent reason. For those who dismiss my blog as filled with lies. And for those of you that need a little motivation to add your voice to mine and the people that have already joined the fight against these murderers.

Daniel Foggo is a renowned journalist in the UK. He broke the story about the slaughter house for greyhounds up North last year and exposed the guy who ran it for what he was. That man has since been jailed. Now Foggo has a different story to tell, which is just as alarming and outraging.

The Essex Greyhoud Clinic, which is nown for its treatment of greyhounds in the UK, apparently destroys healthy greyhounds for no other reason than they can make £30 per greyhound body part by selling the corpses to the Royal Veterinary Clinic, one of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in the country. This is not old and ill greyhounds we are talking about. This is not those dogs that have cancer or another serious problem so that we should put them out of their misery. No, it is PERFECTLY HEALTHY YOUNG DOGS that still have a lot to give.

Perfectly healthy greyhounds being killed for body parts is a common practice in the Far East but I never thought that I'd read anything this disturbing about the UK. I knew greyhound slaughter occurred but not for profit. This most definitely constitutes murder, don't you think?!

The RSPCA released this comment after the story broke:
“We are shocked by this evidence which appears to show an opening for greyhounds to be systematically destroyed for profit. We certainly would not like to think that there was a financial incentive to ending a pet’s life.”

You can read the full story at this Times Online link. Please then return to this site to sign the petition linked on the right sidebar and add your voice to the struggle against these people. Unfortunately, money talks but then so do we and we speak long enough and loud enough maybe someone will listen. One day, they will have to.

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