Monday 31 December 2007

Inspiration To Action

The chances are you will be out enjoying yourself at the start of 2008, and so you should be! After all, life is short so every new year should be celebrated with friends and family... but just spare a quick thought for the greyhound. As we celebrate life, the conditions that they live in do not give them much of one at all.

Greyhounds are required to produce as many puppies as possible if they are used for reproduction. From there, the puppies are fed the cheapest, worst food available. However, some do not get to sample it for long at all because any puppy that does not have what it takes to win races will be killed. This can happen at any point, and at any age. There is no information available about the number of slaughtered puppies, but estimates place it around the same figure, meaning that 40,000 are slaughtered every year, and that is in one country alone.

Education is the most powerful tool you can wield in an effort to end greyhound racing and the industry's cruel treatment of the animals that keep the industry going. They owe the dogs so much and yet deliver so little in return. All they want is love and a good home to relax in. Tell your friends about this blog, look up a few articles and email them on! Just spread the word and make 2008 a better year for the greyhound!

Happy New Year people, have a good one!

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